Magicdraw 15.5 download
Magicdraw 15.5 download


  • Cameo Enterprise Architecture™ (Cameo EA) is also based on MagicDraw, and includes plugins for SysML, Cameo Data Modeler, Cameo Business Modeler and various enterprise architecture frameworks (DoDAF 2, MODAF, NAF 3 and UAF), but does not include the Cameo Simulation Toolkit (Cameo SimTk) plugin.
  • See Cameo Systems Modeler Editions for details. Cameo SM is a popular choice for Systems Engineers seeking to simulate SysML system architecture models.
  • Cameo Systems Modeler™ (Cameo SM) is a collaborative Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) environment based on MagicDraw, where the Enterprise edition includes the SysML and Cameo Simulation Toolkit plugins, but does not include the Enterprise Architecture plugins bundled with Cameo Enterprise Architecture (Cameo EA see below).
  • In general, Cameo targets Systems Engineers applying Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) methods using SysML.


    MagicDraw is a popular choice for Software Engineers and Software Architects. It also supports a wide range of plugins for data modeling, model simulation and enterprise architecture frameworks (DoDAF 2, UPDM 2, TOGAF, etc.).


    MagicDraw is NoMagic's flagship enterprise architecture modeling tool that supports a wide range of popular modeling languages (UML 2, SysML, BPMN 2, etc.) and is capable of automatic static code generation (classes and interfaces) for popular Object-Oriented Programming Languages (Java, C#, C++, etc.).

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    in general, MagicDraw targets Software Engineers applying Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods using UML 2. These two complementary architecture modeling tools are compared and contrasted in more detail below. Simply stated, Cameo is a rebranding of MagicDraw, No Magic's flagship UML tool for software-intensive applications, for Model-Based Systems Engineering applications that use SysML (a dialect of UML 2 adapted for systems engineering). MagicDraw™ and Cameo™ ( Cameo Systems Modeler™ and Cameo Enterprise Architecture™) are architectural modeling tools offered by the No Magic Inc.

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  • Magicdraw 15.5 download